Horoscopes for the New Year
What will your zodiac sign experience in 2021?
2021 enters the Age of Aquarius, a unique sign, with people who enjoy being unconventional. Aquarians will have the most fun in 2021, setting new trends and breaking the norm. Even still, all other signs will have a fun or relaxing 2021.
January 9, 2021
Aries- This year Aries will be a more social and adaptable person. Always ambitious and positive, Aries will go into 2021 looking to mend relationships and build new ones. Focus your time putting more effort into your community, building new friendships, and strengthening old ones, and looking for new opportunities such as jobs. As an Aries you like to remain independent, but try joining group work and clubs, you will find you enjoy it.
Taurus- 2021 for the Taurus will be full of career opportunities and experience. It is not going to be easy at first, but trust that you will find your way. As a Taurus you love to relax, but this year use your hard-work and focus to make calculated decisions. Use this year to get ahead in your job or find a new one. Trust that your superior understands how diligently you work and know that after 2021 you will have several new and positive experiences.
Gemini- Gemini are known for their busy nature or trying to be more than one place at a time. This therefore suits the sign with star-studded twins because the Gemini cannot be two people at once. 2021 will be an especially busy year for the Gemini. If it is eventually safe to do so, Gemini should use their year to travel and expanding their curiosity. If Covid-19 remains a problem throughout the year, Geminis should use their time expanding their expertise or digging deeper into their school and intellect. Your beliefs may begin to change but trust the process and be ready for the wisdom it will give you.
Cancer- Naturally kind and compassionate, as a cancer you tend to make sacrifices for friends, but this year is about setting boundaries. 2021 is a year for growth and closure. Know what you need and get lost helping yourself rather than others. 2021 may also be a year for positive finances so continue to work hard and be ready for the benefits.
Leo- The focus of 2021 for Leo’s is creating life-long relationships. The start of the year may bring some trouble and bumps in the road but use these struggles to understand and fix the power dynamics in your relationships. While the relationship you are strengthening may not be romantic, this is a year for compromise. As a Leo you love to shine but share this light with your partner/friend and remember to show them how proud you are of their achievements as well.
Virgo- Virgo’s perfectionist personality should push them to be more focused on polishing their selfcare this year. Take some time to focus on at home workouts and spa days at home. 2021 will also bring plenty of job opportunities, so keep your eyes open for work that fulfills your passion. As someone who likes to be meticulous in their work, adjust your calendar to fit more time for selfcare.
Libra- As the sign governed by the planet Venus, 2021 is going to be a momentous year for Libras. Full of relationship and love opportunities, Libra’s should expect to find deeper and more meaningful love, even in current relationships. However, do not forget to focus on yourself too. Find and accentuate your creative side and show off your elegant taste. 2021 may be a process for Libras, but that is one they should be enthusiastic about experiencing.
Scorpio- Scorpio’s are calculating and decisive and should focus their energies on their experiences surrounding their foundations. Put your effort into close friendships and surrounding circle. If friendships are thriving, try reinventing your room and the space around you. Go crazy with crafts and have fun if what you decide to pursue makes you more comfortable with yourself and your environment.
Sagittarius- Ok Sags, everyone understands Covid-19 might have put a damper on your wanderlust and need to travel. 2021 will allow you to begin exploring a little more, even if it is not a trip to Europe, Asia, or Australia. While you wait to rush away from home try to start working on communication. Find platforms to begin broadcasting your ideas and show your natural wit. Remember to remain positive and hold your tongue when need be and look for new friendships along your communication journey.
Capricorn- Capricorns will experience a year of pay-off for their challenging work and money experiences. If you have been really pursuing something for a couple of years now, expect a reward from it. Money should be a major part of your year, and if it is not through larger income and spending then try saving and planning. Do not forget to celebrate yourself and closest friends.
Aquarius- 2021 is an extremely exciting time for the Aquarians. As everyone enters the Age of Aquarius it is hard knows what is expected for the Aquarius sign, especially because they are different and like to start their own trends. Try reshaping and finding yourself by showing how unconventional you are to the world. Remember to strengthen your relationships rather than thinking about everything you want to change in the world. You may question yourself and your values but let the identity crisis occur, 2021 is about redefining yourself.
Pisces- Pisces are going to have a nice relaxing year to themselves. Obviously, not a problem considering Pisces love to remain isolated and dreaming. It may be a quiet year but spend it focusing on your creativity and natural talents. Paint, draw, read, and create this year as you prepare for your time to shine.