New Plans For Hybrid Learning 2021
There is a new plan to begin a hybrid learning program in the Spring of 2021.
This is the schedule that AACPS has proposed for hybrid learning. If you visit their website you can see other graphics that demonstrate social distancing in the school and the seating on the busses.
January 14, 2021
Plans for hybrid learning in Anne Arundel County were originally announced in October 2020, but they were quickly shut down due to the increasing numbers in COVID-19 cases. New hybrid learning plans have been announced for the Spring of 2021.
In the new plan, there will be two days of in-person instruction and three days of virtual learning. The in-person learning will take place on two consecutive days. Participating in the hybrid learning program is optional, if you decide not to participate in the in-person instruction all of your spring school experience will be online.
The AACPS System is planning to have the desks in the schools socially distanced, but that depends on the room’s dimensions and layout. The school busses will have 22-26 students on them, the students will be spread out on the busses to help spread out. There will be one student on every bench, the only exception to this is that children from the same household may sit on the same bench.
The students who decide to enroll in the hybrid learning model will receive a free breakfast and lunch. These will be delivered to the classroom, and they can also receive a free dinner and snack to take home at the end of the day.
Masks will be required at all times and students will be expected to socially distance when possible. Chrome books will be used for both in-person and online learning. Students that are in the building at the same time will be considered a group or cohort. There will be controlled and staggered movements to help limit students’ contact with each other.
Keep in mind that these plans may change and evolve as we get closer to starting the hybrid program. The testing of the hybrid plan will remain the same as the October plan. Elementary school students will begin hybrid learning first. If there are no major problems Middle schoolers will start and then high schoolers will follow.
On one of the recent updates to the AACPS website it said “The Board of Education and Dr. Arlotto recognize the many challenges families face as we continue to adapt to best meet the educational needs of our students during a pandemic….We are committed to continuously seeking improvements to the learning experience.“
There will be a meeting on Thursday the 14th to vote on the new reopening plans and discuss other safety measures with COVID. Part of it will be in a town hall style where people will have two minutes to voice their opinions.
These reopening plans can be found in more detail on the AACPS website and the live feed of the meeting can be viewed at AACPS YouTube channel.
soundos • Mar 2, 2021 at 3:00 am
Great post, thank you for sharing!