The Senior Summer Bucket List
With summer quickly approaching, seniors are planning ahead to make their last summer before college and other career paths their most fun-filled.
Seniors shared a few of the ways they’ll be spending their last summer before heading in different directions. How will you be spending your summer?
May 23, 2023
For the class of 2023, this is it. From this point forward, its AP tests, graduation parties, prom, graduation, senior week and a wide open summer. One last summer before heading off to college, work, the military, taking a gap year, etc. Regardless of seniors’ future plans, one thing is certain– in just a few short months, life will be different. So how are seniors planning on spending their last summer together? Seniors shared some summer bucket list activities to inspire others.
“Backyard camping sleepover,” Sara Smith said.
“Scuba dive,” Hanna Verreault said.
“Get a new piercing,” Faith Mercer said.
“Hiking and travel,” Jack Miller said.
“Zip line, jet ski, and sleep,” Jordan Lewis said.
“Hike Annapolis Rock,” Ryan Kohler said.
“See more live music,” Ashlyn Morris said.
“Go camping for the first time,” Kate Keeler said.
“Visit Yosemite or Zion,” Ellery Martin said.
“Visit family again for the first time in a while,” Sarah Sternhagen said.
“Go to the beach, make s’mores, pull an all-nighter, try a new food,” Maggie Mullervy said.
“Make a lot of money. After that visit where they filmed Vampire Diaries with my sister in Georgia,” Abigail Chase said.
“Go to the beach as much as possible and see my friends before we all leave for college,” Cooper Powell said.
“Hang out with people. It’ll be my last opportunity with a lot of people,” Charlie Robertson said.
Whether it’s swimming amongst the fish or catching up on sleep, going to a concert or just hanging out with friends, it’s clear that seniors want their “last” summer to be their most memorable.