Severna Park has a multitude of extracurriculars and activities for students to participate in. Extracurriculars are additional activities whether physical, academic, or artistic that students do which fall outside of the normal school curriculum.
Participating in these extra activities has a multitude of benefits. They allow students to be more engaged with their peers which will enhance their social skills and create new friendships. Extracurriculars also boost physical movement in teens. By playing a sport or doing other activities involving movement students are able to improve their physical health and overall well being. When asked about the benefits of being a student athlete, Bella Thanner, member of the soccer team said, “A benefit for being a student athlete is managing your time for school and sports.”
Whether you are on the sports field, performing in plays, are a member of SGA, or participate in other clubs, involvement is crucial to make a students high school career memorable and enjoyable. Olivia Bernhart is involved in many different clubs at school and when asked what she enjoys about them Bernhart said, “Being in school clubs gives me a chance to meet new people, explore my interests, and be part of something bigger than just classes.” Not only do clubs enhance a students high school experience but they also allow students to learn about themselves and aid their personal growth.
Extracurriculars enable teenagers to create strong bonds and friendships with one another. One of the most prominent ways to do so is by being on a sports team. Daniel Doney, who plays ice hockey for the school said, “It’s great to have the support of your teammates.” By engaging yourself with activities outside of your regular classes you can make bonds with one another, explore your hobbies, and engage yourself in events during your high school time.