The Greatest Showman Movie Review

The Inside look on The Greatest Showman.

Shelby Chasser, Sports Editor

Inspired by the eminent Phineas Taylor Barnum, The Greatest Showman was a musical released on Dec. 8th, 2017. Michael Gracey, the director, was able to produce a timeline of how the great Barnum & Bailey Circus came alive. Consisting of Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Zendaya, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson and other actors, this production consisted of over 100 people in order to bring to life the past day circus.

Starting the movie off with his early life, before the whole commotion of creating the circus, the plot seems to get his story straight, coming from the underdogs. He was a tailors boy working penny-by-penny trying to make a profit, stealing from street markets. But as he grew older and more mature the story seemed to lack the ideal that Barnum was a well-known racketeer or huckster in order to keep his financial records a sort of balance.

Although there was a lack of plot within his real life, the production which created the plot was intriguing, from marrying a girl coming from wealth to creating a whole circus to keep their family afloat. The acting was very well done, feeling the love and connection of a family forming before your eyes. The “freaks and geeks” as the movie called the showmen and women became a family wanting to perform even when Barnum shut them out. Not to mention the songs performed had emotion attached to them, filling your hearts with warmth.

The movie overall was a very well put together, and the plot was interesting. I recommend watching it with a family member or friend if you’re the type who celebrates the love for humanity, respect of the freaks and geeks who created this heartwarming pick-me-up movie.

The Greatest Showman stars famous actors and actresses, such as Zac Efron and Zendaya. These actors and actresses created an exciting plot which showcased singing talents and acrobatics. “There was more singing than I thought there was going to be, but overall the movie was amazing,” junior Aaron Kent said.