The Future of COVID-19
What will this landmark event look like in our history books?
In the past, students have learned about major turning points or epidemics such as the Black Plague, Spanish Flu, and 9/11. Today, the Coronavirus has sparked up similar reactions and efforts as these past events while the world is in isolation. “Once this is over we will never take another day for granted and will live everyday to the fullest” senior Parker Cross said, “We will cherish our time with our friends, family, and coworkers and will learn to celebrate life.”
May 13, 2020
All everyone is talking about these days is the most famous household name of the past few weeks: Coronavirus. This name is a relatively new concept for most people and seems to have defined 2020 already. Most people know that this event will go down in history as a landmark event, but how will it be taught to our kids and grandkids?
One thought swirling the minds of many people stuck at home is the ways COVID-19 will affect the coming days when we can go back outside to restaurants, hang out with friends, and practice our sports. Luckily, according to SPHS history teacher Sarah Poole who has asked this same question to her students, the effects will be positive. “We will be more aware of our health, hygiene, and think on a global scale” Poole said. “We’ll also re-evaluate our relationships and how we choose to spend our time.”
A previous turning point in U.S. history was 9/11 which has altered American life since then in ways such as improved airport security, negative feelings towards those of Muslim decent, and awareness of terrorism. Many people are feeling that COVID-19 will do the same with handshakes being a thing of the past, improved awareness of health, and a shift to e-learning. Furthermore, Poole suggests what the textbook might look like in the future. “We’ll teach 9-11 and then Covid 19. I’m hoping that the Covid 19 chapter of the textbook explains what we are doing now” Poole said, “we came together and supported our family and neighbors; we cheered for hospital workers, mail deliverers, teachers!”
Not only have turning points like 9/11 changed American life, but they have shown us how together we can come as a country and a world to help those in need and get through this together. Being in isolation, we forget about the steps people are taking to beat this virus. We also forget what it was like to hang out with friends and have a normal life. When we come out on the other side of this, our relationships will be stronger and we will cherish our loved ones more than ever. “It’ll be something we remember as being tragic, because of all the death and heartbreak” senior Megan Mousedale said, “but it will also remind us us of how resilient we can be when something like this brings us together.”
Many years from now our children will be opening their textbooks to the page on the days we are living in right now. They’ll be learning about the rage and unknown of this pandemic while also reading about how everyone, no matter class, sex, race, or age came together and worked to do whatever they could to beat it.