What is Woodswork?
Are you looking for something rewarding and fun this summer? Read more about Woodswork and the impact the trip has on another community and you.
Woodswork is a trip that aims to help people in lower income communities that are in need of a home. Speaking from personal experience, the trip is genuinely life changing and impactful on everyone involved. “You work really hard at serving others but you also get to make great memories in the process. I always look forward to this one week out of the year when I get to work on my faith and make a difference in a family’s life,” Sarah Smith said.
May 10, 2022
If you are looking for something meaningful, helpful, rewarding and fun this summer, you should sign up for Woodswork. Woodswork is a mission trip led by Woods Church where you travel with other youth and adults to build houses in lower income communities for Habitat for Humanity. I have personally gone on Woodswork for two years and counting and it has been the most rewarding and eye-opening experience I have ever had. Anyone can sign up for Woodswork! Below are some answers to questions you may have about the trip that committee members contributed to.
What is WoodsWork and the purpose of the trip?
AIDEN MILEWSKI: “Woodswork is a mission trip partnered with Habitat for Humanity based on providing homes for the less fortunate,” Milewski said.
SMITH: “Woodswork is a week-long service and faith building trip sponsored by Woods Church and in partnership with Habitat for Humanity,” Smith said. “The trip aims to bring high schoolers together to build homes for those in need while also allowing us to continue on our faith journey.”
Where are you going this year?
Kittanning, Pennsylvania – June 28th – July 3rd
Why do you love WoodsWork so much?
MILEWSKI: “One thing about woodworks that I really enjoy is the community bond everyone builds during the trip with the volunteers and the community were making an impact [on],” Milewski said.
KATE CARLGREN: “I feel the most internal fulfillment on Woodswork. There’s something about 100 teenagers building a house together on a hot afternoon that brings us all together,” Carlgren said.
SMITH: “WoodsWork is something that I have never experienced before and I love that it is centered around doing good for others,” Smith said. “I think it is so important to take every opportunity to show your gratitude by helping others and WoodsWork combines this service with fun by allowing you to be around other high schoolers as well as awesome advisors.”
ADDISON GARRETT: “I love Woods Work because of the life-changing work we do and everything else that comes with the experience,” Garrett said. “On the trip, anyone has the potential to form meaningful relationships with people. Everyone is unconditionally kind and there is so much love spread around.”
OLIVIA BLAKE: “I love woodswork so much because I get to make new friends that all share a common interest of helping others,” Blake said. “The best part is that these friends live in our community so you still get to see them and hang out with them when you come home.”
LAUREN CALRGREN: “It definitely feels amazing working hard for a good cause, and it is also fun to learn more about your friends, since you are together a lot,” Carlgren said.
Do you feel like you get something out of the trip? If so, what?
MILEWSKI: “I feel that everyone who goes on the trip gains a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction being able to help others,” Milewski said.
GARRETT: “If I had to pick the most valuable thing I get out of this trip, it would be the value in a long day’s work with people you are thankful for,” Garrett said.
Where can someone find more information about the trip?
CARLGREN: “Our Woodswork Instagram (@woodsworkmd). You can also talk to me if you have any questions about the trip,” Carlgren said.
SMITH: “On woodschurch.org or follow @woodsworkmd on Instagram! Registration is open for this year’s trip now,” Smith said.
CARLGREN: “Someone could find more information by going to https://onrealm.org/woodschurch/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=ZDA4ZGFhMmEtMGZjYi00ODRjLTk5OGYtYWRlMjAwMGExNTRl,” Carlgren said.
Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to help a family, to have fun with your friends, and to grow as a person as well.