If you’re someone like me and you have a job, control over your own finances and lack the self-control to save your money, just know you are not alone. While people around you may think they are giving you advice by telling you to “budget”, they just don’t get you the way I do, so let me show you methods I don’t use, but feel in my heart and soul will work for you.
The Ultimate Piggy Bank
For those of you that make cash tips at your job, get paid under the table, or often find yourself with cash, this is the piggy bank for you. Who needs a wallet when you can just put all of your cash and change into a metal box that you can’t access without having to break open. Although, if you are someone who mainly uses their card rather than cash, that’s okay, just liquidate your bank account and put it in the box, put your life savings in the box, and if you’re really loaded, then make sure to get two boxes. Let’s be real, is there a better way to save than putting your money somewhere safe where you literally can’t use it. The few flaws to this method include:
a.) The box does in fact cost money, but think of it as an investment for your future self
b.) It is only steel so it is possible to access if you are fiending
c.) It does not collect interest
(You can buy it on amazon, search: Stainless Steel Metal Piggy Bank)
Apple Pain
Delete Apple Pay, it only hurts you. In fact, delete your card off your phone in general, online shopping should be inconvenient and if you are going out, then leave your card at home. I understand that this may not be possible for everyone, and that’s okay, luckily there is an alternative. Lock your card before you go out. Not only will this prevent someone from using your card if you’ve lost it or if you get hacked, but it also prevents you from using your card. If you still want to go out with friends to get food or go to the movies, then I recommend you to stay home, it will save you so much trouble, or just be more prepared and bring only a certain amount of cash with you and keep your card at home. To put it simply, delete apple pay, delete your card off your phone entirely and then put your physical card in the metal box with the rest of your money, and don’t forget to stay home.
These are some tips and tricks that you can use to save money if you have impulse control issues, you’re welcome and I hope you find purpose in life and purpose for your money.