Music has been an important tool in our society for ages, from different forms of expression to new ways of storytelling, music is one of humanity’s best tools of communication. Music can evoke emotions that have never been felt before and can never be described perfectly. At the same time it can also finally put what you’ve been feeling for weeks into the perfect words. The multitude of methods that exist within music designed to connect with its listener are methodically thought about by its creator and fellow producers. While we all experience things differently, what matters is the message was received and now there’s a song that describes something you’ve been feeling better than ordinary words could ever convey.
The band “Far From Heaven” has recently released their debut single on Feb. 16, 2024 called “Have you Decided It’s Enough?”. The song’s genre is something like alternative rock shoegaze. It tackles some heavier topics such as exploitation and neglect. There is one female singer and one male singer throughout the song. Based off the lyrics, they are in a mentally abusive relationship where the male partner is manipulating her into staying with him by telling her,
“It’ll be fine, it’ll be fine, If you take my hand,”. In which she responds with,
“I’m getting used to being used by you, I’m not a noose so cut me off, you say you’re staying but I’m losing you, have you decided it’s enough?,” this being the chorus.
While of course music can be whatever you interpret it to be, the songwriters and producers have shed light into the deeper meaning of the song’s lyrics. When the chorus comes back around for the second time, you can hear the male singer screaming his own lyrics in between hers, saying
“Keep lying to you, sprinkle on deceit– Don’t even make it seem I’m using you– You’re all that I could ever want– You’re sabotaging once again– Think it’s ‘bout time I’m givin’ up,”.
His lyrics further prove his own corruption and depravity, claiming she’s all he could ever want then immediately giving up once it doesn’t work out the way he wants it to. Accusing her of sabotaging a relationship that she was miserable in to clear his own guilty conscience. Plenty of people have been in similar situations to this song, feeling neglected and used by their partner. Experiencing neglect from someone you sought out can be an extremely lonely feeling. Know that if or when you find yourself in a similar position that you are not alone and your friends, family and close ones can support you through those hard times. If it’s not obvious, relationships are a two player game or more… If that’s your cup of tea. Nonetheless, sometimes things will turn out differently than you expected and that can be scary. What’s important is to have an honest and open line of communication between you and your partner so that you can problem-solve together. If that person is not meeting the expectations you set for someone being your significant other then talk about it, do not let it fester. Significant others are meant to be your safe space and not a childish mind game. Learn to grow with each other and not to tear each other down.