Everyone knows about their iconic tracksuits, often adorned with rhinestones on the backside, but many do not know about the history of the brand.
Originally started as a maternity brand in 1995 with only $200 by Pamela Skaist-Levy and Gela Nash-Taylor, juicy couture had humble beginnings. By the 2000’s it was a staple for any pop culture symbol, most notably Paris Hilton.
Paris, heiress to the Hilton Hotel empire, was often seen in the tracksuits. Her influence on the 2000’s fashion scene is undeniable. After being first seen in the affordable loungewear, it became a trend for teenagers and young adults over the country. However, this could not always be the case for the brand.
Over time, the brand had declined in popularity within the public. The once affordable garment’s prices had skyrocketed. This was not the best idea for the brand, considering the target audience of their brand would be young people with not much money. In the 2010’s, the brand’s popularity had almost been nonexistent. Owners of garments were selling their pieces for cheap prices or simply just giving them away. They were now viewed as tacky and cheap. Fast forward to the 2020’s, the brand is gaining traction once more in more underground fashion circles.
Mostly online, these now vintage pieces have gained quite the traction. On any 2000’s inspired outfit you will see the traces of the brand, if the pieces aren’t already in it. With the resurgence of the fashion of the time, some wonder if the next step in our devolution is the toxic standards of the time. While this could be a possibility, many doubt this will actually happen.
Within the decade we have had between the two thousands and now, a lot has changed. Many runways have been starting to use size and ability inclusive models, illustrating how anyone can buy and rock the company’s fashions. Many appreciate this accessibility and visibility from the brands, it would be unlikely if they would discontinue this trend.
While we can enjoy the fashions of the time, we also should keep the inclusivity we have built up over the years.