The Syrian refugee crisis is an event effecting the world around us, whether we are aware of it or not.
With half the population of Syria displaced by the civil war, it is important that those who are able to help do all they can. The problem with assisting the refugees is that it is difficult to find out how to help or find reliable resources. Even some members of our community are trying and failing to take in a refugee family, because they are having trouble figuring out how.
It is unreasonable to think every person will take in a family but even a donation of a few dollars can make a difference. The World Food Program (WFP) and UNICEF have had to cut off help, such as food and healthcare, to the Syria refugees because of lack of funding. Families need these resources and the organizations cannot provide them without the financial support of people like you. To donate follow these links for the WFP or UNICEF or call 1-800-FOR-KIDS (for UNICEF).
Of course those are not the only two places to donate: Here are a few more links.
Wondering what your money can do?
If you donate to a nonprofit like the WFP then you are helping that organization provide food, trauma counseling, education, hygienic supplies, and other services for the Syrian refugees while keeping the company afloat. The refugees are living in squalor without a steady stream of food, shelter, or medical assistance, every dollar can help a Syrian family just a little.
$150 buys thermal blankets for a refugee family, $200 gives twenty families mats to sleep on, $300 provides an emergency kit for 10 refugees (the kits have towels, thermal blankets, and dry clothes), and $550 can provide a months worth of cash assistance for three families.
In this time of distress it is important we remember our own privilege; We must do as much as we can to help those without the luxuries of a stable life.