Athlete of the Week: Garrison Clark
Junior Garrison Clark Runs at Nationals
Garrison Clark is sweeping the competition all through Anne Arundel County. Clark has became one of the fastest in the county and qualified for nationals in the Nike Cross Southeast Regionals. “It takes time and work to get better, but it’s fun,” Clark said. Photo courtesy of Garrison Clark.
December 14, 2017
When Garrison Clark was a freshman, he decided to join the boys cross country team with his friends just to have something to do to pass time. He ran on his own for fun around local neighborhoods before even thinking about joining the high school team. “I actually was forced into running on a team by my friends,” Clark said. Little did he know in a couple years he would qualify for nationals.
Now a junior, Clark has become a leader of the team from placing first in the Anne Arundel County Championship with a time of 15:24.30, placing second in the 4A Cross Country State Championship with a time of 16:57, to placing seventh in the Nike Cross Southeast Regionals in Cary, North Carolina with a time of 15:12.4. Clark’s time from Southeast Regionals allowed him to be the fourth individual qualifier for the Southeast Nike Cross Nationals that take place in Portland, Oregon on Dec. 2.
“Now as a junior, I realize how I have grown from not even wanting to be a part of a sport to my team being a family for me,” Clark said, “if my friends didn’t force me to join this team, I would’ve never been able to travel so far and compete, something I love.”
Other than cross country, Clark participates in indoor track in the winter and outdoor track in the spring. Clark plans to become a leader figure in those sports alongside cross country. He not only wants to lead by example, but lead with a helping hand for his other teammates. “It’s not all about winning, sometimes it’s for the pleasure of just cheering on your teammates and helping them out,” Clark said.
“To me running isn’t even the best part, it’s watching people around you and having fun with it,” Clark said, “my team is worth it to run.”