Severna Park vs. Broadneck Ice Hockey
The Falcons beat the Bruins by a score of 2-1 last Friday at McMullen Hockey Arena.
January 9, 2019

The Falcons plays defense on an attack by the Bruins. Broadneck only had 13 shots on goal, showing the domination of Severna Park.

Senior Daniel Seeman takes a face off against a Broadneck player. The falcons were very efficient in creating plays off of face offs during the game.

Sophomore Durham Butcher brings the puck up the ice. Butcher was effective all game at setting offensive plays in motion. Butcher ended the game with one assist.

Junior Ethan Meyer makes a huge save late in the game to keep the lead for Severna Park. Meyer ended the night with 12 saves and only one goal allowed.

The team gets junior Ethan Meyer out of the cage before shaking hands with the opponent after the win. The falcons were never down throughout the game, but a late goal by Broadneck added tension to the game. The final score was 2-1, Severna Park.

The two teams shake hands after the Severna Park victory.