Student Author at SPHS
Lorelai Symmes began writing poetry in a school elective class and has now become a major advocate and author for eating disorders and mental health struggles and survivors.
Along her journey, Symmes has met countless amazing people who have inspired and motivated her to keep writing for others, and that is what she plans on doing in her future. Not only does Symmes enjoy assisting those struggling now, but she hopes to make a career out of it someday. “I plan to become a psych major in college and work with adolescent eating disorders and trauma therapy,” Symmes said.
January 15, 2021
Lorelai Symmes is not only a full-time student at SPHS, she is also an advocate for mental health, eating disorder recovery, and equine assisted therapies. Recently, Symmes released her first poetry book, “The Path Towards Sunshine.” This book illustrates the reality of living with an eating disorder and what it is like dealing with and recovering from one as well. She also highlights in her book the influence of today’s society on amplifying the struggles teenagers feel during their battle.
Symmes has struggled with anorexia nervosa since the 6th grade and was hospitalized for the first few months of her freshman year. Once she was able to leave the hospital, Symmes began writing poetry in her creative writing class and posted a poem, “The First Spoken Word” which received thousands of views on Instagram. That was just the beginning.
“I didn’t really plan on [writing a book] until I was contacted by a publishing company that wanted to pursue it with me,” Symmes said. “So I just kind of went for it.”
Once you have read Symmes publication on her experiences with anorexia nervosa, you will understand that this work has had a serious effect on many people around the world who are struggling with similar issues. But they’re not alone.
Not only has Symmes touched thousands of lives through her compassion, strength and love shown in the pages of her book, but also in appearances on podcasts, and articles in the Severna Park Voice, Chesapeake Family, and Inspire. This entire experience has impacted Symmes to become an even bigger advocate and to discover self-love on a whole new level.
“[Writing this] has definitely helped me and my family become more vocal about what we went through together,” Symmes said. “It has transformed us all into huge advocates, too.”
If you haven’t had the privilege of meeting Symmes or reading her book, consider doing so by purchasing her book on Amazon or following her recovery and life on Instagram @life.for.lor.